A black horse in a rustic style

1 200руб.

The horse is made of Siberian pine wood, the dark color of which is obtained by firing. When finishing the model, the technique of «brushing» is used (from English «brush»).

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The horse is made of Siberian pine wood, the dark color of which is obtained by firing. When finishing the model, the technique of «brushing» is used (from English «brush»). Soft fibers are selected from the top layer of wood with the help of a special brush so that the structure of tree rings appears on the surface. This technique allows the wood to be specially protonated. For example, the background will remain dark, and the pattern of the rings on the wood will be light. Brushing, tinting and subsequent waxing create the effect of «artificial aging».

The horse is deliberately made in a rustic style. The main features of the style are the use of natural materials, a natural palette, and objects that are pleasant to the touch.

A person’s attempt to hide from the pace and information load of the modern world is expressed, inter alia, in his desire to be closer to nature. Its paints, textures, materials. Today, as never before, there is a high interest in products in the genre of «L’arte dei verti» (from Italian «Art of the poor»). Rustic aesthetics and products in a rustic style evoke in a person a feeling of comfort, return to childhood.