Humanity in its civilization development has passed many stages regarding the technology improvement. Initially, all things were made only with the help of manual labor, because it is human hands that are universal and multifunctional tools. But manual labor is quite heavy, so people began to mechanize work process with the help of various devices. Gradually, the steam power and then the electric motors replaced the animals.
The next step in the evolution of industry was the conveyor production. The performing of consecutive highly specialized operations allowed to increase the number and reduce the time of production of something. Now, in the epoch of computer technology, machines are becoming more and more complex, and some of them, robots, have completely replaced humans in the most labor-intensive industries.
But the following thing is strange: despite the high labor productivity of mechanized enterprises and the cheapness of their products, more and more often people are turning to handicrafts. We can say that we have returned to our true origins.
Among the faceless, identical and soulless things produced on the conveyor, we want to have something made by a living person. Such objects seem warmed by his hands and heart. Why do we feel this? People are engaged in crafts if they love this with all their hearts! And they will never even get tired of repeating products, since it is impossible to make two identical things manually.
That is why our horses are created only by hand. They convey the individual style of each master and sincere love for their work.